Marcello Musto

Marcello Musto is an associate Professor of Political Theory at York University.


Musto's work focuses on the analysis of Karl Marx's thought, its current relevance, and Marxism. His research interests also include the history of socialist thought, theories of alienation, and economic crises. His books, articles and chapters in collective volumes have been published in 16 languages.
His edited collection Karl Marx’s Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy 150 Years Later has been translated into three languages and has received significant scholarly attention. His monograph Ripensare Marx e i marxismi. Studi e saggi has been positively reviewed in several Italian newspapers.
He is a regular contributor to L'Unità and member of the editorial boards of the journals ', ', ', ', , and Register of Critical Theory of Society.He also writes occasionally for the Indian newspaper The Statesman.

Books (selection)

In 1998, Musto was arrested and detained for three days in Diyarbakir, Turkey, during Newroz celebrations in support of the Kurdish cause. According to the newspaper Sabah, in 2000 his name was included in a blacklist, compiled by the Turkish Interior Ministry, of 56 international MPs, journalists, and political activists barred from entering Turkey.