Mārcis Liors Skadmanis , is a Latvian-born UK-based social entrepreneur, and founder of the World NGO Day, annually observed on 27 February.
Early years
The oldest of five children, Mārcis Skadmanis was born on 29 May 1984 in Riga, the capital city of Latvia. Mārcis's father Jānis Skadmanis and his youngest sister Daina Skadmane lost their lives in the Zolitūde shopping centre roof collapse on 21 November 2013, when in total 54 people died as a result of the accident.
In 2003, he achieved a gold medal at the 9th LatvianEnvironmental Project Olympiad, held annually in Latvia since 1995. The same year, he achieved a diploma at the 11th International Environmental Project Olympiad in Istanbul, Turkey. INEPO is a yearly international competition related to sustainability and the environment. His other achievements include being awarded the Society Unity Prize ‘For Contribution to Promoting Equal Opportunities’, for which he currently remains the youngest ever recipient at the age of 23.
Skadmanis has been supporting the NGO and Charity communities in different countries and promoting the NGO sector importance among the younger generation and international society.
International Day
World NGO Day
It was in the midst of the global and Eurozone financial crisis of 2009, when Marcis was just 24, his determination to improve the lives of the world’s citizens led him to establish World NGO Day. at Lancaster House, London 2017World NGO Day is a recognised international calendar day and annually marked by the UN, EU, country leaders, city mayors, NGOs, corporates and the global community. This international day was created to recognise the NGO sector’s importance, value to society and all the individuals involved worldwide, that dedicate their time to their cause. First time it was marked by various international leaders in 2014 and hosted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Under Marcis leadership World NGO Day acclaim has grown significantly and it is annually marked in more than 90 countries across the globe.
The Honorary Medal of World NGO Day is a private international award and presented annually on 27th February by Marcis Liors Skadmanis. The award was created in 2019. This Medal is awarded to Mayors, Heads of counties, Governors and NGO leaders for achievement in the promotion and support of Sustainable development of NGO sector; have made a significant positive impact on local NGO, non-profit sector; or raised awareness of the international day of NGOs - World NGO Day in their city, county or country.
During 2003 to 2008 Marcis provided financial support and did fundraising for the remarkable study of the Holocaust "Riga Ghetto List " done by Tamara Zitcere. Zitcere's research was a unique Holocaust study in its scope and content. In 2007 he was awarded the Society Unity Prize ‘For Contribution to Promoting Equal Opportunities’ for his support to Holocaust studies "Riga Ghetto List". In 2011, Mr Skadmanis handed over 680 testimony forms of "The Central Database of Holocaust Victims' Names" to Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel. All the 680 testimony forms were filled out by Zitcere based on here research about each jewish victim in Riga Ghetto.