Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir

Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir is an Icelandic actress from Reykjavík.

Early life and education

In 1994, Margrét graduated from Listaháskóli Íslands, the Icelandic Drama Academy, and worked at the Reykjavík Theatre Company for several years. She then became a member of Þjóðleikhúsið, the National Theatre of Iceland.


In 2002 she joined Vesturport Theatre Group for an unusual circus-oriented production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with lots of acrobatics, light and action.
Margrét has also appeared in TV productions including Njálssaga and Ástríður as well as on the big screen. Her biggest movies are probably Mávahlátur, based on the book by Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir and Falcons, in which she co-starred with Keith Carradine. Both films received international attention.
Margrét is a well-established artist in the Icelandic art scene and a frequent contributor to the Reykjavik Art Festival. In 2009 she led a group of 50 artists in an invasion of Iceland's cultural heritage at the exhibition/happening Orbis Terrae-ORA.

Stage appearances