Maria Carolina Zamoyska

Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro was the wife of Prince Ranieri, Duke of Castro, claimant to the headship of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Carolina was the sixth child and youngest daughter of Polish nobleman Andrzej Przemysław Zamoyski, Count Zamoyski and his wife Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Carolina's maternal grandparents were Prince Francis of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Count of Trapani and his wife Archduchess Maria Isabella of Austria, Princess of Tuscany.

Marriage and issue

Carolina married her first cousin Prince Ranieri of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, son of Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta and his wife, Princess Antonietta of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, on 12 September 1923 in Vyšné Ružbachy, Slovakia. Carolina and Ranieri had two children:

Titles and styles