Mariana Matthews

Mariana Matthews is a Chilean photographer, curator, and visual artist whose technique is mainly based on the use of documentary photography, contemporary art, and experimental art.


Mariana Matthews graduated with a Bachelor of Arts at American University, and earned a postgraduate degree in Photography at Ohio University. She is considered one of the forerunners of so-called patrimonial photography, while the use of mixed techniques predominates in her work, mainly based on black and white photography and the inclusion of color as appropriate within such images.

Exhibitions and distinctions

Matthews has participated in several solo and group exhibitions during her career, including the exhibitions Chiloé: El Bordemar and Reunión at the, La Selva Fría at the, Retrospectiva and Residencia en el Valle at the, Adoremos, Intervenciones, Cruces y Desvíos, Relatos Breves, Fotografía Contemporánea and Exposición Centenario at the Chilean National Museum of Fine Arts, Des-Ahogo at the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art and the Santiago Museum of Contemporary Art, Fragmentos de una Memoria at the Chilean National History Museum, among other exhibitions in Chile, Latin America, the United States, and Europe.
In 2000 and 2003 she received the Altazor Award for National Arts in the Photography category for Adoremos and Ojo de Agua respectively.
