* In order to establish protected customary rights, the applicant must show that the right has been exercised since 1840, continues to be exercised in accordance with tikanga Maori, and is not extinguished by law. This is not an interest in land, but a protection of certain customary interests in that land.
* In order to establish customary marine title, the applicant must show that the area is held in accordance with tikanga Maori and has been exclusively used and occupied since 1840 without substantial interruption. This is an interest in land, however it does not include the right of alienation or disposition.
Protects, and in some cases extends, rights of vital infrastructure such as ports and aquaculture.
Results of the third reading
Maori Party co-leader Dame Tariana Turia, who left Labour and established the Maori Party largely as a response to the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, began the third reading of the Bill in the House of Representatives on 24 March 2011. In expressing the support of the Maori Party, she noted "his bill is another step in our collective pursuit of Treaty injustice... This bill was never just about the Maori Party; it started with the leadership of the eight iwi who took an application to the Maori Land Court at the top of the South Island", referring to the Ngati Apa case. The bill passed by 63-56. It was supported by the National, the Māori Party, and United Future, while the Labour, the Greens, ACT, the Progressive Party and Hone Harawira voted against it. This Act was the key reason for why Harawira left the Māori Party. In a press statement released on 23 February 2011, in which Harawira announced he was leaving the Maori Party, he stated "I did not lead the 2004 Foreshore and Seabed March from Te Rerenga Wairua to Parliament that gave birth to the Maori Party, to see it destroyed by infighting 5 years later".
Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei opposed the legislation and argued that it represented just "how much of a failure the Maori Party - National negotiations have been over trying to resolve the inherent injustices that were put in place by New Zealand First and Labour in 2004. Those injustices remain. The failed principles are still in place in this legislation... just as they were in 2004. It is a great disappointment." The Act Party also opposed the legislation, and unsuccessfully attempted to delay the passage of the bill by lodging hundreds of questions with the Speaker.