Marjorie Schwarzer is an American museum writer and educator. She currently serves as administrative director of University of San Francisco's graduate museum studies program. She is a prolific writer and commentator on issues impacting museums, especially those in the United States but also in the United Arab Emirates and other developing nations. She has authored numerous reviews, articles and books about museums. From 1996 to 2011, she was professor and chair of Museum Studies at John F. Kennedy University, California. Her book Riches, Rivals and Radicals: 100 Years of the Museum in America was published in 2006 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American Alliance of Museums. The book was the basis for an award-winning Public Television show of the same title. A second edition was released in April 2012. She serves on the editorial boards of the Museums and Social Issues Journal, and the International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship.
Riches, Rivals and Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America. Winner, Excel Award for Professional Book of the Year. Adapted for nationally televised public television special of same title..
What Students Need to Know: Graduate Training in Museum Studies.
"Museum Studies at a Crossroads", Museum, January/February 2012.
"Soft Diplomacy in the United Arab Emirates", Museum, July/August 2011.
"Lessons from the Great Depression", Museum, May/June 2009.
"Shotgun Wedding: The new California Academy of Sciences African Hall", exhibition critique, Exhibitionist, Volume 28, no. 1.
"Museum Studies" and "Museum Careers", chapters in Encyclopedia of Library Information.
, Curator
Museums and Social Issues 2:2, co-editor with Judy Koke and Kris Morrissey
, Museums and Social Issues 2:2
"Gender in the Temple: Women and Leadership in Museums", Museum News 85: 3. Revised and reprinted in Gender and Museums, ed. Amy Levine, Routledge, forthcoming.
"Looking Back: 11 Touchpoint Exhibitions of the 20th Century", Exhibitionist.
"Turnover at the Top: Are Directors Burning Out?" Museum News 81:3
"Art and Gadgetry: The Future of the Museum Visit" Museum News 80:4
"Now Boarding: Airport Museums and the Global Audience" Museum News 80:3
"Decoding the Tech Museum of Innovation", Exhibitionist ,.
"The Mouse in the Museum: Technology Training and Museum Studies Programs", Spectra 26 , 18-19.
"Schizophrenic Agora: Mission, Market and the Multi-tasking Museum," Museum News 78, 40-47.
"Dealing with Prejudice and Discrimination in a Museum Environment", in Gail Lord and Barry Lord, Museum Management Handbook,.
"Helping Visitors in Potent Exhibits", Hand-to-Hand 8.1.