Mark Chou

Mark Chou is an Associate Professor in Politics in the National School of Arts and the co-founder of the academic journal Democratic Theory, along with Dr Jean-Paul Gagnon, a peer reviewed journal published and distributed by Berghahn in 2014. He is also the co-editor of Palgrave's Theories, Concepts and Practices of Democracy series, again along with Dr Jean-Paul Gagnon.


Chou joined ACU in early 2013 from the University of Melbourne where he had been a McKenzie Fellow in the School of Social and Political Sciences. Trained as a political scientist and lawyer, Mark received his BA and LLB from the Australian National University. His PhD in Political Science and International Relations was awarded by the University of Queensland in 2010.
Chou is the author of numerous books, including Greek Tragedy and Contemporary Democracy, Theorising Democide: Why and How Democracies Fail, Democracy Against Itself: Sustaining an Unsustainable Idea, and Young People, Citizenship and Political Participation: Combatting Civic Deficit?.


Mark Chou has a h-index of 5.