Mark Huyser-Wierenga

Mark Huyser-Wierenga is a Canadian lawyer, currently serving as Crown Prosecutor for the Province of Alberta.

Early life

Mark Huyser-Wierenga was born in Michigan in 1961.


In 1983, Mark Huyser-Wierenga received a Bachelor of Arts in History from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In 1987, Huyser-Wierenga received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Alberta in Canada. Huyser-Wierenga was called to the Bar of Alberta in 1989.

Notable cases

In 2019 and 2020, Huyser-Wierenga prosecuted the trial of Matthew McKnight. The case drew considerable public attention in Canada due to the fact that McKnight was a well-known promoter at several nightlife establishments in the City of Edmonton including Oil City Roadhouse and the Old Strathcona Rack.

Personal life

Mark Huyser-Wierenga is blind due to choroideremia and has organized several fundraisers for finding a cure. In 2005, Ralph Witten wrote that Huyser-Wierenga had "raised over $130,000 CDN that will contribute to the beginnings of further research" on the disease.
In 2008, Huyser-Wierenga joined the board of Citizens for Public Justice.
In 2014, the Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation named Mark Huyser-Wierenga as a Men of Honour award recipient.