Marpessa of Aetolia

In Greek mythology, Marpessa was an Aetolian princess, and a granddaughter of Ares.


Marpessa was the daughter of Evenus and Alcippe. She attracted the attention of the hero, Idas as well as the god Apollo. She eventually married Idas, by whom she begot Cleopatra, the future wife of the hero Meleager.


Marpessa was a beautiful lady, described as being "fair-ankled".
Idas, son of Aphareus, came from Messenia to asked for the hand of Marpessa. But Evenus refused his request because he wanted her daughter to remain a virgin. Idas went to his father Poseidon and begged for the use of a winged chariot. After Poseidon consented to his use of the chariot, Idas raped Marpessa and carried her away from a band of dancers and to Pleuron in Aetolia. Her father, after chasing the couple for a long time, realized that he could not catch up to them. In his madness, he killed his horses and then drowned himself in a nearby river Lycormas and became immortal. The river was named later after him.
In other version, Apollo also wanted Marpessa and pursued Idas as he carried away Marpessa. As the two fought for the girl's hand, Zeus intervened and asked Marpessa to choose between the mortal and the god. Marpessa chose Idas, reasoning to Apollo that had she chosen the god, she would have eventually grown old and lost his affections.
In Homer's version, Marpessa was already married to Idas when Apollo carried her away from her husband. Idas, however, confronted Apollo.
When Idas was slain by the hands of Polydeuces, one of the Dioscuri, Marpessa killed herself.

Modern use of the name