a) teaching and learning fractions; an epistemological and didactic analysis based on the :fr:Didactique#Quelques mots-cl.C3.A9s de la didactique|theory of situations for explaining learning difficulties ;
b) analysis of the concept of assessment in the field of Mathematics; a perspective not only pedagogic but, above all, epistemological, sociological, ethical and didactic ;
c) analysis of the different components of the idea of mathematical learning: conceptual, algorithmic, strategic, semiotic and communicative ;
d) study of difficulties in managing the semiotic transformation of treatment in the process of mathematical teaching and learning .
Her specific areas of research in mathematics education are:
She is member of the NRD within the Dipartimento di Matematica at the Università di Bologna; member of the Scientific panel and for the evaluation of proposals for the Symposium Internacional de Educación Matemática, Chivilcoy, Argentina; member of the panel of referees for the journal RELIME, Cinvestav, México DF., México; member of the editorial panel of the , Nicosia, Cyprus; member of the research group MESCUD within the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotà, Colombia; member of the Grup de Recerca sobre Analisi Didàctica en Educació Matematica, Barcelona, Spain, xarxa-REMIC de Catalunya; member of the scientific panel of the journal Redipe Virtual, based in Colombia. From 2000 to 2012 she was research member of the Programmes of Research of National Interest financed by the Università di Bologna and the MIUR.
Martha Isabel Fandiño Pinilla was born in Pacho, and has Colombian and Italian citizenship. She has a degree in Educational Science with major in mathematics, National Pedagogic University ; specialization in mathematics education ; PhD in mathematics education.
She began her career as a primary school teacher after winning a public competition at the age of 16 and subsequently became a university lecturer first in Colombia and then in Italy and Switzerland. She has collaborated and continues to collaborate with many European and South American universities, above all within the sphere of PhD theses, as a member of commissions, holding seminars and supervising theses. She is consultant to the publisher Giunti of Florence for Mathematics Education; for the Regional Educational Authority of Emilia-Romagna ; for the activities of the research group ; for the :it:Istituto nazionale per la valutazione del sistema dell'istruzione|Invalsi Commission within the working group for the development of guidelines for the production of learning assessment materials for Mathematics. She is editor of the series Viva la matematica and Matematica per gli insegnanti e per la classe. From 2004 she has been joint scientific director of the annual national conference :it:Incontri con la matematica|Incontri con la matematica, held in November. She is author of some 250 books and articles on research in Mathematics Education and on spreading this research within the area of teacher training. She holds frequent seminars and gives research papers and holds teacher training sessions in Italy, France, Spain, Cyprus, Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland, Greece, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, and other Countries.
On December 14, 2013, a Cali, during the international symposium on Education and Pedagogy she was awarded the Mención de honor al mérito pedagógico e investigativo y a la producción intellectual.