Martin Kinnunen

Martin Anders Kinnunen, is a Swedish-Finnish member of parliament for the Sweden Democrats party. He was previously the press secretary for the party, as well as leader for the party's youth organisation, Sweden Democratic Youth, between 2005 and 2007. He took over that position from Jimmie Åkesson and was succeeded by Erik Almqvist. Kinnunen has also worked as an office secretary for the Sweden Democrats' national organisation in Stockholm; he left the position in late 2009. Kinnunen and his fiancee were assaulted and beaten at an attack at Gullmarsplan subway station in Stockholm on 6June 2009. Three women were later convicted for the attack on Kinnunen's fiancee, and one man was sentenced to prison for the same attack.
On 29September 2015, Kinnunen was charged with two cases of tax fraud. He was accused of embezzling large amounts of money while working for the Sweden Democrat owned companies Samtid och Framtid and Blåsippan AB. He was acquitted of all charges by the district court on 5February 2016. However, as trials continued in November 2016, it was revealed that Kinunnen had authorized fraudulent dates on the concerned invoices; the final outcome is as yet unknown, although he stated on 22 November that even if he were found guilty of serious tax fraud on behalf of the SweDems, he would continue as a SweDem politician without issue. On December 6, 2016, the Court of Appeal found him guilty of accounting fraud. He was sentenced to a fine of approximately 9,000 EUR while the SweDem owned company was fined 30,000EUR for fraudulent accounting and tax evasion.