Marvel Super Hero Adventures is an American-Canadian animated series based on characters created by Marvel Comics. Aimed at a preschool audience, the shorts first air on Disney Channel's Disney Junior block, followed by the Disney Junior channel and later the Marvel HQ YouTube channel and DisneyNOW app.
The series depicts Spider-Man telling the viewers on how he helped another superhero stop a villain.
The series was announced via The Hollywood Reporter on September 7, 2017 as part of a multi-media push across publishing and merchandise aimed at introducing the Marvel Universe to a younger audience. The first season, which consists of ten 3.5 minute episodes, debuted on October 13, 2017. The second season followed on October 22, 2018. The third season began on Disney Junior and DisneyNOW on April 1, 2019, with the fourth on April 6, 2020. The series is directed by Svend Gregori and produced at Atomic Cartoons.
Marvel Super Hero Adventures pre-school franchise was announced by Marvel Entertainmentin September 2017 consisting of a short-form animated series along with publishing and merchandise during "Marvel Mania" October. The toy line was manufactured by Hasbro with additional merchandise from Mad Engine, Jay Franco, GBG, Jakks Pacific and others. In the publishing field, Marvel Press issued chapter books beginning in September and of course from Marvel Comics a five-issue miniseries starting in April 2018. Super Hero Adventures has Spider-Man teaming with another Marvel hero. The first early reader chapter books was Deck the Malls! teamed Spider-Man with Spider-Gwen written by MacKenzie Cadenhead and Sean Ryan and art by Derek Laufman. Three additional chapter books were planned continuing into 2018. With low orders, the limited series was re-solicited as a series of issue 1.
Marvel Super-Hero Adventures: Spider-Man and the Stolen Vibranium #1
Marvel Super-Hero Adventures: The Spider-Doctor #1
Deck the Malls! teamed Spider-Man with Spider-Gwen written by MacKenzie Cadenhead and Sean Ryan and art by Derek Laufman