Marvell Academy

Marvell Academy is a K-12 a private school in unincorporated Phillips County Arkansas, near Marvell.
The school is accredited by and participates in academic and athletic contests with the Midsouth Association of Independent Schools.


Marvell Academy was founded as a segregation academy by parents, some of whom were members of a White Citizens Council. The school was at one time located across a cotton patch from the area public school. Marvell public schools had been integrated in 1965. The Marvel Academy Founders were reported to have said "Integration is the corruption of the true American heritage by alien concept and ideology" In the 2015-2016 school year, the school enrolled two hispanic students and no black students.
Marvell Academy is a Christian faith-based school. As of 2019, the student body of Marvell Academy has 1% student of color.
A 1969 Time Magazine article describing the emergence of segregation academies noted that "Few of them are quite so openly redneck as the Marvell Academy."