Mas de Malherbes

The Mas de Malherbes is a provençal mas and a small hotel near Aimargues, in the south of France.


He first belongs to Hyacinthe Fontanès, Louis XV's personal treasurer.
Property of the Ménard-Dorian family, from Lunel - whose notably members are Paul Ménard-Dorian and his daughter Pauline Ménard-Dorian, writer, great-granddaughter in-law of Victor Hugo, Marcel Proust's muse, who died in the mas in 1941. Marguerite, Jean Hugo's sister - the two children of Pauline -, is the heir of the domain. She received here Jean Cocteau, Paul Éluard, Max Jacob, Léon Daudet, Erik Satie, Léon Blum, Folco de Baroncelli-Javon and :fr:Fanfonne Guillierme|Fanfonne Guillierme.