Master Grossmith

William Robert Grossmith, also known as Master Grossmith, was a 19th-century child actor, eldest son of William Grossmith, who then established a second career as a maker of prosthetic limbs.


Grossmith was known as the 'Infant Roscius' or 'Young Roscius' as he began acting at a very young age. In 1825 a pamphlet was published publicising this prodigy child actor with the title The Life of the Celebrated Infant Roscius, Master Grossmith of Reading, Berks, only seven years and a quarter Old. Another, retitled to not yet nine years of age was published in 1827.
After retiring from the stage he made a second career out of prosthetic limb manufacture. In fact, so well-respected were William Grossmith' products that in 1856 he published a book on the subject: Amputations and Artificial Limbs ''


A painting of Grossmith as Richard in William Shakespeare's Richard III by G. Hancock is in the Victoria and Albert Museum. A print of Grossmith as a child is in the British Museum collection.
Artificial limbs made by Grossmith in his later career are held in the Science Museum.