Matrix variate beta distribution

In statistics, the matrix variate beta distribution is a generalization of the beta distribution. If is a positive definite matrix with a matrix variate beta distribution, and are real parameters, we write . The probability density function for is:
Here is the multivariate beta function:
where is the multivariate gamma function given by


Distribution of matrix inverse

If then the density of is given by
provided that and.

Orthogonal transform

If and is a constant orthogonal matrix, then
Also, if is a random orthogonal matrix which is independent of, then, distributed independently of.
If is any constant, matrix of rank, then has a generalized matrix variate beta distribution, specifically.

Partitioned matrix results

If and we partition as
where is and is, then defining the Schur complement as gives the following results:
Mitra proves the following theorem which illustrates a useful property of the matrix variate beta distribution. Suppose are independent Wishart matrices. Assume that is positive definite and that. If
where, then has a matrix variate beta distribution. In particular, is independent of.