Matt Donovan (poet)

Matt Donovan is an American poet and nonfiction writer. A native of Hudson, Ohio, Donovan graduated from Vassar College with a BA, from Lancaster University with an MA, and from New York University with an MFA. He teaches at Santa Fe University of Art and Design.
He is the author of two collections of poetryVellum and the chapbook Ten Burnt Lakes – as well as the collection of essays, . His work appeared in AGNI, Blackbird, Poetry, The Kenyon Review, The Gettysburg Review, The Threepenny Review, and The Virginia Quarterly Review, among others literary journals.
He is the recipient of a Rome Prize in Literature, a Whiting Award a Pushcart Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Literature, a Lannan Writing Residency Fellowship, the Larry Levis Reading Prize from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Creative Capital award.
He is currently collaborating on the chamber opera "Inheritance" with his wife, artist Ligia Bouton, as well as the soprano Susan Narucki, and composer Lei Liang.

