
Maturidiyya is one of the main schools of Sunni Islam theology. It was formalized by Abu Mansur Al Maturidi and brought the beliefs already present among the majority of Sunnis under one school of systematic theology. It is considered one of the orthodox Sunni creeds alongside the Ash'ari school. Māturīdism has been the predominant theological orientation among the Sunni Muslims of Persia prior to its conversion to Shiaism in the 16th century, Hanafis, and the Ahl al-Ray and enjoyed a preeminent status in the Ottoman Empire and Mughal India. Outside the old Ottoman and Mughal empires, the majority of Turkic tribes, Central Asian, and South Asian Muslims also believe in Maturidi theology. There have also been Arab Maturidi scholars. The Maturidi school prioritizes the traditions of Sufism.


The Maturidi view holds that:
Maturidism holds that humans are creatures endowed with reason which differentiates them from animals. Further, the relationship between people and God differs from that of nature and God; humans are endowed with free-will, but due to God's sovereignty, God creates the acts the humans choose, so humans can perform them. Ethics can be understood just by reason and do not need prophetic guidance. Maturidi also consider hadiths to be unreliable when they are at odds with reason. However, the human mind alone cannot grasp all truth, thus it is in need of revelation with regard to mysterious affairs. Further, Maturidism opposes anthropomorphism and similitude, but simultaneously does not deny the divine attributes. They must be either interpreted in the light of Tauhid or be omitted.