There is an unverified story that May Hill was named after a certain Captain May who used it as a landmark when navigating the Severn estuary, but documents from a couple of hundred years ago relate that the hill was known as Yartleton Hill and was renamed because of the May Day events held there. Each May Day, morris dancers dance in the new dawn on the top of May Hill and hundreds of observers join in the celebration. A ceremony on May Day morning has been carried out for several centuries; originally it included a mock battle between youths.
May Hill is formed of sandstones and siltstones known as the May Hill sandstone, consisting of the Huntley Hill and Yartleton formations. These rocks date from the Early Silurian period and are formed into a dome, cut through by several faults. The most significant of these is the Blaisdon Fault, which forms the eastern boundary of May Hill and separates it from the younger rocks of the Severn Vale.
The hill includes a circular trench 100 metres in diameter said to be an Iron Age earthwork, surrounding a mound that is probably a round barrow. There are records of a clump of trees on the summit of May Hill dating back to the later 18th century. The hill was enclosed by an Act of Parliament in 1873. The dwindling clump was replenished in time for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887, when most of the trees that give the hill its distinctive character today were planted. An area of 30 ha of the hill passed into the care ofthe National Trust in 1935, although the summit has remained vested with LonghopeParish Council and registered as a Village Green. There was further replenishment of the trees in 1977 for the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II. A plaque on the summit commemorating this reads: 'This plaque was erected by the parishes of Longhope & Newent as a tribute to a gracious and beloved monarch. God Save the Queen'. The site boundary was amended in 1983.
May Hill in cultural life
May Hill is associated with the poets Edward Thomas and Robert Frost. John Masefield describes May Hill in his poem "The Everlasting Mercy". Ivor Gurney eulogised 'May Hill that Gloucester dwellers 'gainst every sunset see'. Composer Gerald Finzi's ashes were scattered on the top in 1973, as have been those of other local residents. One of the benches on the summit is dedicated to the Forest of Dean chronicler Winifred Foley and her husband, who moved in the 1970s to the nearby village of Cliffords Mesne. A charming book of paintings and drawings of May Hill has been published by the artist Valerie McLean.