Mayan (software)

Mayan is a web-based free/libre document management system for managing documents within an organization.
All functionality is available in its free public version.
It has an active community of volunteers and third-party service and support providers.
Its largest installation as of June 2012 is Puerto Rico's main permit agency.

History and features

Mayan started as a project whose only requirement was the storage of PDF files for a government agency transitioning to an all electronic registration process and has grown into a general system since then.
It is designed to be easy to migrate to different physical computers. It is written in Python using the Django framework. Features include document versioning,
electronic signature verification,
multilingual support,
discussion tools,
user-defined metadata and unique identifiers,
and roles support.
Mayan EDMS was featured on the free software / open source themed podcast FLOSS Weekly episode 253 aired on May 29, 2013.