
Mdoukha is a village and municipality situated east of Beirut in the Rashaya District, Beqaa Governorate, Lebanon. The village's population is Sunni. A significant majority of the population are also Lebanese Canadians, of which 60% live in London, Ontario.
Mdoukha is one of the most beautiful villages in the Rachaya District of Lebanon. It lies in the Beqaa Valley, about 15 Km northwest of Mount Hermon, 70 Km from the capital Beirut and lies 1150 m above sea level. Villages that surround Mdoukha are Kherbet Rouha, Ayn Araab, Al-Berih, Bakka, Al-Rafid and Kfardenis.
Mdoukha has a few natural and historic destinations. For example, on top of Mdoukha's tallest mountain, there is a castle that dates back 8000 years ago; it is said that there is gold under the castle and is waiting for someone to claim it. Also there is place where endless ground water is spewing out and it is safe and clean to drink.
Villages that surround Mdoukha are: Kherbet Rouha, Ayn Araab, Al-Berih, Bekka, Al-Rafid and Kafardenis. Mdoukha's population is approximately 3300 people. With modern architecture and the building of new homes, Mdoukha has never lost its historical image represented by the old houses. Mdoukha's family names include: Abdo, Abdulhamid, Abdulkarim, Assaf, Birani, Borhot, Chahbar, Chams, Hage, Hammoud, Jambein, Meddoui, Merhi, Moussa, Elnazali, Omar, Soufan, Zabian and Youssef.