Međurečje (Rudo)

Međurečje is a village located in the municipality of Rudo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is surrounded by the Serbian municipality of Priboj, in Zlatibor District, making it an exclave of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and an enclave within Serbia, 1130 meters from the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sastavci is the neighboring village in Serbia.


With an area of, Međurečje has 173 inhabitants as of 2013 census. In 1999, the village had 75 households with a population of 270.
Vital infrastructure in the enclave of Međurečje is tied to the Serbian municipality of Priboj. A majority of the population works in Priboj. However, the land of Međurečje is registered in the municipality of Rudo, where the population of the village pays its land tax.


Historic facts about the formation of the enclave within the territory of Serbia are not known, but it is believed to be tied to the period after the 1878 Congress of Berlin, when the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires were sharing the border and Austria-Hungary was allowed to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina.