In veterinary anesthesia, medetomidine is often used in combinations with opioids as premedication in healthy cats and dogs. It can be given by intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection or intravenous injection. When delivered intravenously, a significantly decreased dose is used. Some authors suggest a sublingual route is also effective. It is not recommended for diabetics, it is contraindicated in patients with cardiac disease. Due to its potent sedative effects it is commonly used in more aggressive animals, where a drug combination with a lesser effect would not allow the administration of the inductive agent without risk to the veterinarian. As such the use of alpha-two agonists is only recommended in healthy animals. Following administration, marked peripheral vasoconstriction and bradycardia are noted. Often the dosage of induction agents may be drastically reduced, as may the volumes of anesthetic gases used to maintain general anesthesia. It is sometimes used in combination with butorphanol and ketamine to produce general anasthesia for short periods in healthy but fractious felines that will not allow an intravenous induction agent to be given. It provides a good degree of muscle relaxation, an important factor in ketamine based anethesia protocols. Medetomidine has also been used in combination with morphine, lidocaine and ketamine in constant rate infusion analgesia in canines. It is often used in so called microdoses for this analgesic effect. It is thought that this family of drugs has a degree of analgesic action, though this is, in comparison to the sedative effect, minor. Its effects can be reversed using atipamezole. IV use of atipamezole is not licensed, IM is the preferred route. Yohimbine may also be used in an emergency situation, but is not licensed.
Use in marine paint
Medetomidine can be used as an antifouling substance in marine paint. It is mainly effective against barnacles, but has also shown effect on other hard fouling like tube worms. When the barnacle cyprid larva encounters a surface containing medetomidine the molecule interacts with the octopamine receptor in the larva. This causes the settling larva to increase its kicking to more than 100 kicks per minute, which makes becoming sessile nearly impossible. When the larva swims away from the surface, the effect disappears. The larva regains its pre-exposure function and can settle somewhere else.