Medford Public Schools

Medford Public Schools is a school district located in Medford, Massachusetts. The district has 9 schools in the city serving grades K-12. It is led by Superintendent Dr. Marice Edouard-Vincent. The main office is located at 489 Winthrop Street, within the High School/Vocational-Technical High School building.


Brooks Elementary School

Brooks Elementary School is located in the West Medford section of Medford, Massachusetts. It is named for John Brooks, who was born in Medford, became a Revolutionary War veteran, and was later Governor of Massachusetts from 1816 to 1823.

Former Principals

Columbus Elementary School is located in the South Medford section of Medford, Massachusetts. Since the student population historically has had a large portion qualifying for free and reduced lunch, the Columbus School instituted a universal free breakfast program beginning in late 2008. Initial results included better attendance, fewer trips to the nurse and better student behavior.

Former Principals

Named after a former mayor of Medford, the John J. McGlynn Elementary School shares a building and campus with the McGlynn Middle School on the eastern bank of the Mystic River, between Medford Square and Wellington Circle. It is also immediately adjacent to the Andrews Middle School.

Milton Fuller Roberts Elementary School

The Milton Fuller Roberts Elementary School was named after Lt. Milton F. Roberts, a veteran of the Civil War, Spanish–American War, and World War I. Originally a junior high school or middle school, it opened in that capacity in 1928 in the Glenwood neighborhood of north east Medford. It was converted into an elementary school in September 2003 as part of a series of school renovations across the district.

Secondary schools

Madeleine Dugger Andrews Middle School

Madeleine Dugger Andrews Middle School is named after the first African-American member of the Medford School Committee. It was the first new school constructed in the district in eighty years. Located on the eastern bank of the Mystic river, south of Medford Square, it is immediately adjacent to the McGlynn schools.
Fulton Heights Academy which is part of Andrews Middle School is dedicated to special needs children with social/emotional and behavioral/academic disabilities.

John J. McGlynn Middle School