Media Alliance

Media Alliance is an American media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists. Through policy work and grassroots organizing, Media Alliance aims to ensure the unfettered flow of information by keeping media accessible, accountable, diverse and free from government control and corporate dominance. Media Alliance is a 501 public charity, NTEE Code: A30—Media, Communications Organizations.
Media Alliance was founded in 1976 by a group of media workers to unite the professional media community with the public interest communities of the Bay Area.


Works to ensure that local radio, TV and newspaper outlets are meeting the needs of diverse communities. Tactics include conducting media monitoring, convening town hall forums and meetings with media representatives, and when appropriate, organizing for changes at outlets that are not fulfilling their public interest obligations.
Internet freedom is under heavy attack by telecom giants who are spending billions to try to eradicate the core principal of net neutrality. These mega-corporations also exacerbate the digital divide with discriminatory redlining practices. MA works to bridge the digital divide and make sure the Internet stays open for us all.
Initially founded as a legal defense committee for journalists under fire, MA supports media workers in organizing for better working conditions, freedom from government harassment, and increased resources for rigorous, investigative, community-based reporting.
Tracking, spying and profiling are turning the liberatory power of electronic communications into a nightmare for activists, whistleblowers and other vulnerable communities. MA is leading on local responses to bulk surveillance, police militarization, predictive algorithms, social media monitoring and crackdowns on free expression, the right to dissent and movements for social justice.
Media Alliance offers workshops for nonprofit staffers and activists – in three ways. A regular calendar of "Communication Skills for Social Justice Workshops" features working professionals and affordable fees. Customized workshops are available for groups of five or more. MA provides capacity building training to under-represented groups to reframe media myths and deliver authentic first-voice expression on social justice issues.
Jobfile is a weekly listing of media-related positions in Northern California. It features full-time, part-time and freelance jobs and internships in print media, film, video, graphic design, broadcast and public relations.


Pacific Felt Factory 2830 20th Street, Suite 102 San Francisco CA 94110