Median umbilical ligament

The median umbilical ligament is an unpaired ligamentous structure in human anatomy which extends from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus, on the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall. It is a fibrous piece of tissue that represents the remnant of the fetal urachus, which forms from the embryonic allantois. It is covered by the median umbilical fold.
Normal development of the median umbilical ligament is:
AllantoisUrachusMedian umbilical ligament
Lateral to this structure are the medial umbilical ligament and the lateral umbilical ligament.


It may be used as a landmark for surgeons who are performing laparoscopy, such as laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Other than this, it has no function in a born human and may be cut or removed with impunity.
It contains the urachus, which is the obliterated form of the allantois. The allantois forms a communication between the cloaca and the amniotic sac during embryonic development. If the urachus fails to close during fetal life, it can result in anatomical abnormalities such as a urachal cyst, urachal fistula, urachal diverticulum or urachal sinus.