Meenakshi Ram Nagar

Meenakshi Ram Nagar is a village in the Nicobar district of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. It is located in the Nancowry tehsil, on the Katchal Island.


According to the 2011 census of India, Meenakshi Ram Nagar has 86 households. The effective literacy rate is 82.78%.
Children aged below 6 years502525
Scheduled caste000
Scheduled tribe323171152
Workers 22215072
Main workers 21014268
Main workers: Cultivators000
Main workers: Agricultural labourers000
Main workers: Household industry workers321
Main workers: Other20714067
Marginal workers 1284
Marginal workers: Cultivators000
Marginal workers: Agricultural labourers000
Marginal workers: Household industry workers101
Marginal workers: Others1183