Meet Corliss Archer (TV series)

Meet Corliss Archer is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS and in syndication via the Ziv Company from April to December 1954. The program was an adaptation of the radio series of the same name, which was based on a series of short stories by F. Hugh Herbert.


Corliss Archer is a lovable blonde teenager delicately balancing her high-school life and relationship with goofy boyfriend Dexter Franklin, and her homelife with parents Harry and Janet Archer.

CBS version


Source: Encyclopedia of Television Shows, 1925 through 2010

Syndicated version


Ann BakerCorliss Archer
Mary BrianJanet Archer
John EldredgeHarry Archer
Robert EllisDexter Franklin
Ken ChristyBill Franklin
Vera MarsheMary Franklin

Production notes

The syndicated version of Meet Corliss Archer was executive produced by Frederick W. Ziv, and produced by ZIV Television Programs.

Syndication and DVD release

The series, which is public domain, is occasionally still repeated in the United States today, usually on small over-the-air networks and cable channels.
The series has also appeared on DVDs by companies such as Alpha Video, Echo Bridge, and Mill Creek.