Meir Shahar

Meir Shahar is a professor in the Department of East Asian Studies at Tel Aviv University.
After studying at the University of Jerusalem, he studied Chinese in Taipei. He obtained a PhD in Asian languages and civilizations at Harvard University in 1992.
His research interests include the interplay of Chinese religion and Chinese literature, Chinese martial-arts history, Chinese esoteric Buddhism, and the impact of Indian mythology of the Chinese pantheon of divinities.


- Chinese translation: Shaolin si: Lishi, zongjiao, yu wushu. Translated by Zhao Dianhong. Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe, 2016.
- Portuguese translation: O Mosteiro de Shaolin: Historia, Religiao e as Artes Marciais Chinesas. Translated by Rodrigo Wolff Apolloni and Rodrigo Borges de Faveri. Sao Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 2011.
- Polish translation: Klasztor Shaolin: Historia, religia i chinskie sztuki walki. Translated by Justyn Hunia. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 2011.

- Italian translation: Il Monastero di Shaolin: Storia, religione e arti marziali cinesi. Translated by B. Mottura. Roma: Astrolabio Ubaldini, 2011.

-The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion and the Chinese Martial Arts:
-Oedipal God: The Chinese Nezha and his Indian Origins.:
-Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature: