Meltem Arıkan

Handan Meltem Arıkan is a Turkish novelist and playwright.


Arıkan was born and grew up in Ankara, Turkey and is of Albanian heritage. Currently she is UK based since she was persecuted by the Turkish government. The play Mi Minör is considered by the politicians a subversive work and the playwright is accused to be responsible for the rehearsal of Gezi Park protests. She received rape and death threats
Her first short stories and essays were published in various literary journals during 1992–1995. Her first novel, Ve… Veya… Belki… was published in 1999, followed by Evet... Ama... Sanki... in 2000 and Kadin Bedenini Soyarsa in 2002.
Her fourth novel Yeter Tenimi Acıtmayın which included women's trauma stories of child abuse, harassment and incest had been banned in early 2004 by the Committee to Protect the Minors from Obscene Publications, a body established under the Turkish Prime Ministry, with the accusation of "Writing about the non-existing incest fact in Turkey, while using Turkish names for the characters, attempting to disturb the Turkish family order with a feminist approach." Following the legal procedures, the ban was lifted by the '1st Magistrate Criminal Court' after two months, and the book was published once again without being subjected to any censorship. After this experience of censorship, Arıkan has been awarded with “Freedom of Idea and Statement Prize 2004” by the Turkish Publishers’ Association.
Her fifth novel Zaten Yoksunuz was published in 2005, followed by Umut Lanettir in 2006. After her first 6 novels, Arikan wrote the script for the play I’m Breaking the Game which premiered in August at the Zurich Theater Spectacle, performed by Garajistanbul and awarded the “New Unique Play” prize from VIII. Lions Theatrical Awards in 2007. She published a research book titled Beden Biliyor in 2008. In 2009 another play, Parallel, whose dramaturgy was by Arıkan, was staged by Garajistanbul as a part of the Linz 2009: European Capital of Culture program. Her last novel, Özlemin Beni Savuran was published in June 2009.
