Men Too movement (India)

#MenToo or Men Too movement is the movement in India which was started against false sexual harassment allegations in Me Too movement. The movement was widely spread out after Bollywood actress Pooja Bedi appealed to bring gender neutral laws and investigation, after actor Karan Oberoi was arrested on 5 May 2019 due to sexual harassment complaint against him was filed by his ex-girlfriend.



Children’s Rights Initiative for Shared Parenting, Bangalore based NGO had started the #MenToo initiative in October 2018 in response to #MeToo movement. Protestors in Bengaluru said that their movement is against false cases registered under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, and added that their fight is also against the ordeal of children who are raised by single parents following a disturbing separation.

2019 (Karan Oberoi)

Actor Karan Oberoi was arrested on 5 May 2019, after a 34-year-old woman claimed that he had raped her on multiple occasions and had also extorted money and gifts from her. However, they were in the consensual relationship as per the affidavit filed by Karan Oberoi in court. Immediately after his arrest, his friend and Bollywood actress Pooja Bedi came in his support to bring gender neutral laws and investigation to launch #MenToo movement, just like Australian social commentator Bettina Arndt has written a book with the same title.



Twitter users tweeted with #MenToo to show support with accused Karan Oberoi and protested against the unfair laws that target men. Twitter users were posting under the hashtag, claiming that these type of accusations are causing suicide among the common man.


In late 2018, amidst #Metoo movement, Bengaluru based NGO CRISP had carried out protest in the city for demanding justice for the victims who have faced the consequences due to false cases registered under IPC section 498A, in addition to against the ordeal of children who are raised by single parents following a separation.


#MenToo supporters, mainly Men's rights activists of India held a protest against the false sexual harassment allegations at India Gate, Delhi on 18 May 2019 to demand National Commission for Men. Activist Barkha Trehan, along with members of her Delhi-based NGO, gathered at India Gate to demand justice for victims of fake rape accusations in India. The protesters wore cut-outs of actor Karan Oberoi to show solidarity with him.


Number of people from various fields, including actors and various men's right activists participated in the peaceful Dharna organised at Azad Maidan, Mumbai on 15 June 2019 to support #MenToo movement. Karan Oberoi and Pooja Bedi also participated in the protest.


Men Too movement was being applauded by the Men's Right Activists across the India. Apart from it, it got applauded by several actors and actress in Bollywood. Men's right activist Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj had compared Men too with Me too and said "#MenToo is as important as #MeToo". She said,

"They are as human as women. Talking about their rights is as important as that of women. #MenToo is as important as #MeToo."

Actress Tanushree Dutta who had pioneered Me Too movement India had called Men Too movement as ridiculous. She further said,
"You know, I can’t help but laugh when I hear such ridiculous thing such as #mentoo and it makes me angry that women in positions of public domain and influence will still stoop to massage the male ego to find their acceptance."