Menlo (typeface)

Menlo is a monospaced sans-serif typeface designed by Jim Lyles. The face first shipped with Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Menlo is based upon the Open Source font Bitstream Vera and the public domain font Deja Vu.


Menlo was replaced as the system monospaced font: in Mac OS 10.11, with a new Apple-made monospaced font called "SF Mono", a monospaced variant of the San Francisco family of fonts that Apple has created as part of its corporate identity. It is not installed as a user-accessible typeface by default, although it is included with and used by Xcode.
SF Mono can be installed on macOS by downloading it from the . Even if it is installed by the user, SF Mono's license agreement is extraordinarily restrictive; it limits use of the font "solely in conjunction with Apple-branded applications", and it is not allowed to be embedded anywhere. Any other use of the typeface requires written consent from Apple.