Mercedes Negrón Muñoz

Mercedes Negrón Muñoz a.k.a. "Clara Lair", was a Puerto Rican poet and essayist who was considered one of the preeminent feminist and postmodernist female Puerto Rican writers of the 20th century.

Early life and education

Negrón Muñoz was born in Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, into a family which included writers, poets and politicians. Her father was the poet Quintín Negrón and her uncles the poet Jose A. Negrón and poet and statesman Luis Muñoz Rivera. She was also the cousin of Puerto Rico's first elected governor Luis Muñoz Marín. Negrón Muñoz received her primary and secondary education in her hometown and she studied literature in the University of Puerto Rico.

Career and major works

In 1937, Negrón Muñoz published the poem "Arras de Cristal" under the name "Clara Lair", her assumed pseudonym. Subsequently she published two other collections of poems: Trópico amargo and Más allá del Poniente.


published a book about Negrón Muñoz titled "Dos Poetisas de América: Clara Lair y Julia de Burgos." A docudrama about the life of Negrón Muñoz titled "A Passion Named Clara Lair" was produced and directed by Ivonne Belen in 1996. Puerto Rico has honored her memory by naming a school after her, and in the town of Hormigueros there is a Hogar Clara Lair, a non-profit organization founded in 1991, which protects defenseless women. Also, the street in Old San Juan right in front of her last residence carries her name.
