Mersing District

The Mersing District is a district in Johor, Malaysia. The district capital is Mersing Town.


The “Mersing” name is derived from the Chinese “Mau Sheng Port” since 1880 and further simplify to Mersing. Mersing's Chinese name was renamed to “Feng Sheng Port”, with the meaning of good harvest. There are also said that Mersing's name is derived from Sikh traders who named Amir Singh and Men Singh.


Beside the mainland area, the district also consists of 36 islands.


With an area of 2,838 km2, Mersing District is the third largest district in Johor, which covers 14.6% area of the state. As of 2001, the district has a total residence of 69,947 people.

Administrative divisions

Mersing District is divided into 10 mukims, which are:
In 2000, the annual population growth of the district was 1.21%.


The main economy activities in the district are ecotourism, fishery, marine activities, agriculture and light manufacturing.

Tourist attractions