Methyl isocyanide

Methyl isocyanide or isocyanomethane is an organic compound and a member of the isocyanide family. This colorless liquid is isomeric to methyl cyanide, but its reactivity is very different. Methyl isocyanide is mainly used for making 5-membered heterocyclic rings. The C-N distance in methyl isocyanide is very short, 1.158 Å as is characteristic of isocyanides.

Preparation and uses

Methyl isocyanide was first prepared by A. Gautier by reaction of silver cyanide with methyl iodide. The common method for preparing methyl isocyanides is the dehydration of N-methylformamide. Many metal cyanides react with methylating agents to give complexes of methyl isocyanide. This kind of reactivity has been invoked as being relevant to the origin of life.
Methyl isocyanide is useful for the preparation of diverse heterocycles. It is often used to prepare transition metal isocyanide complexes.