Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

The Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence is the name of an annual conference covering all areas of Artificial Intelligence, held in Mexico. The first MICAI conference was held in 2000. The conference is attended every year by about two hundred of AI researchers and PhD students and 500−1000 local graduate students.


MICAI is a high-level peer-reviewed international conference covering all areas of Artificial Intelligence. All editions of MICAI have been published in Springer Springer LNAI. Recent MICAI events received over 300 submissions from over 40 countries each. The conference's scientific program includes keynote lectures, paper presentations, tutorials, panels, posters, and workshops. MICAI is organized by the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence in cooperation with various national institutions.
Their topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Applications of artificial intelligence,
Automated theorem proving,
Belief revision,
Bioinformatics and Medical applications of artificial intelligence,
Case-based reasoning,
Common-sense reasoning,
Computer vision and image processing,
Constraint programming,
Data mining,
Expert systems and knowledge-based systems,
Fuzzy logic,
Genetic algorithms,
Hybrid intelligent systems,
Intelligent interfaces: multimedia, virtual reality,
Intelligent organizations,
Intelligent tutoring systems,
Knowledge acquisition,
Knowledge representation and knowledge management,
Logic programming,
Machine learning,
Model-based reasoning,
Multiagent systems and distributed artificial intelligence,
Natural Language Processing,
Neural Networks,
Non-monotonic Reasoning,
Pattern Recognition,
Philosophical and methodological issues of artificial intelligence,
Planning and scheduling,
Qualitative reasoning,
Spatial and temporal reasoning,
Uncertainty reasoning and probabilistic reasoning.

Specific MICAI conferences

In the table below, the figures for the number of accepted papers and acceptance rate refer to the main proceedings volume and do not include supplemental proceedings volumes. The number of countries corresponds to submissions, not to accepted papers.
YearCityWebsiteProceedingsSubmissionsCountriesAcceptedAcceptance rate
2008Atizapán de Zaragoza363439425.9%
2012San Luis Potosí224287734.3%
2013Mexico City284458529.9%
2014Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas350468724.8%

Keynote speakers and program chairs

The following persons were honored by being selected by the organizers as keynote speakers or program chairs:
YearKeynote speakersProgram Chairs
2000Wolfgang Wahlster,
Hector Levesque,
Jay Liebowitz,
Adolfo Guzmán Arenas,
Jose Luis Marroquín,
Bruce Buchanan
Osvaldo Cairó,
Luis Enrique Sucar,
Francisco J. Cantú
2002Pedro Larrañaga,
Stuart Russell,
Francisco Cantú,
Edgar Sánchez,
Jean-Claude Latombe
Carlos Artemio Coello Coello,
Álvaro de Albornoz Bueno,
Luis Enrique Sucar,
Osvaldo Cairó Battistutti
2004Toby Walsh,
Dispankar Dasgupta,
René Bañares,
José Negrete Martínez,
Carlos Zozaya,
Jorge X. Velasco
Raúl Monroy Borja,
Gustavo Arroyo-Figueroa,
Luis Enrique Sucar,
Humberto Sossa Azuela
2005John McCarthy,
Tom Mitchell,
Katsushi Ikeuchi,
Erick Cantú-Paz,
Jaime Simão Sichman,
Piero P. Bonissone
Alexander Gelbukh,
Álvaro de Albornoz Bueno
2006Enrique Sucar,
Seth Hutchinson,
Carlos Artemio Coello Coello,
Pedro Domingos,
Ronald R. Yager
Alexander Gelbukh,
Carlos Alberto Reyes García
2007Fernando de Arriaga-Gómez,
Francisco Escolano,
Simon Haykin,
Pablo Noriega,
Paolo Petta,
Boris Stilman
Alexander Gelbukh,
Ángel Fernando Kuri Morales
2008Gerardo Jiménez Sánchez,
Stephanie Forrest,
Francisco Cervántes-Pérez,
Simon Haykin,
Steven M. La Valle,
Georg Gottlob
Alexander Gelbukh,
Eduardo F. Morales
2009Patricia Melin,
Ramón López Mántaras,
Josef Kittler,
José Luis Marroquín,
Dieter Hutter
Arturo Hernández Aguirre,
Raúl Monroy Borja,
Carlos Alberto Reyes García
2010Hector García-Molina,
Witold Pedrycz,
De-Shuang Huang,
Raúl Monroy Borja,
Boris Stilman,
Claudia Manfredi
Grigori Sidorov,
Arturo Hernández Aguirre
2011Weiru Liu,
Rada Mihalcea,
Jesús Favela,
Raúl Rojas,
Janusz Kacprzyk
Ildar Batyrshin,
Grigori Sidorov
2012Ulises Cortés,
Joydeep Ghosh,
Jixin Ma,
Roy A. Maxion,
Grigori Sidorov,
Ian Witten
Ildar Batyrshin,
Miguel González Mendoza
2013Ildar Batyrshin,
Erik Cambria,
Newton Howard,
Maria Vargas-Vera,
Andrei Voronkov
Félix Castro,
Alexander Gelbukh,
Miguel González Mendoza
2014Oscar Castillo,
Bonnie E. John,
Bing Liu,
John Sowa,
Vladimir Vapnik
Alexander Gelbukh,
Félix Castro,
Sofía Galicia Haro


The authors of the following papers received the Best Paper Award:
2000-Joby Varghese and Snehasis MukhopadhyayIndiaMulti-agent Adaptive Dynamic Programming
-Mauricio OsorioMexico
-G. E. A. P. A. Batista, A. Carvalho, and M. C. MonardApplying One-sided Selection to Unbalanced Datasets
-Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov, and Igor A. BolshakovMexicoCoherence Maintenance in Man-Machine Dialogue with Ellipsis
-Alexander GelbukhMexicoA Data Structure for Prefix Search under Access Locality Requirements and Its Application to Spelling Correction
-Homero V. Rios, Emilio Aguirre et al.Facial Expression Recognition and Modeling for Virtual Intelligent Tutoring Systems
-Armando García-Rodríguez, Ramón Martín Rodríguez-Dagnino, and Christos DouligerisExtending the prediction horizon in dynamic bandwidth allocation for VBR video transport
20031Nestor Velasco Bermeo, Miguel González Mendoza, Alexander García Castro and Irais Heras Dueñas.MexicoTowards the creation of Semantic Models based on Computer-Aided Designs
20051Rafael Murrieta Cid, Alejandro Sarmiento, Teja Muppirala, Seth Hutchinson, Raul Monroy, Moises Alencastre Miranda, Lourdes Muñoz Gómez, and Ricardo SwainA framework for Reactive Motion and Sensing Planning: a Crititcal Events-Based Approach
2Patrice Delmas, Georgy Gimel'farb, Jiang Liu, and John MorrisA Noise-Driven Paradigm for Solving the Stereo Correspondence Problem
3Jinghui Xiao, Bingquan Liu, Xiaolong Wang, and Bing LiA Similarity-Based Approach to Data Sparseness Problem of the Chinese Language Modeling
20061Luz Abril Torres-Méndez and Gregory DudekStatistics of Visual and Partial Depth Data for Mobile Robot Environment Modeling
2Antonio Camarena-Ibarrola and Edgar ChávezOn Musical Performances Identification, Entropy and String Matching
3Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello, Jin-Kao Hao, and Jose Torres-JimenezA Refined Evaluation Function for the MinLA Problem
20071Mu Xiangyang, Zhang Taiyi and Zhou YaatongChinaScaling Kernels: A New Least Squares Support Vector Machine Kernel for Approximation
2Jean Bernard Hayet and Justus PiaterMexico / BelgiumOn-line Rectification of Sport Sequences with Moving Cameras
3Marcin Radlak and Ryszard KlempousUK / PolandSELDI-TOF-MS Pattern Analysis for Cancer Detection as a Base for Diagnostic Software
20081Philippe Fournier-Viger, Roger Nkambou, and Engelbert Mephu NguifoCanada / FranceA Knowledge Discovery Framework for Learning Task Models from User Interactions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
2Yulia LedenevaMexicoEffect of Preprocessing on Extractive Summarization with Maximal Frequent Sequences
3Giovanni Lizárraga, Arturo Hernández and Salvador BotelloMexicoA Set of Test Cases for Performance Measures in Multiobjective Optimization
20101Olga Kolesnikova and Alexander GelbukhMexicoSupervised Machine Learning for Predicting the Meaning of Verb-Noun Combinations in Spanish
2Omar Montano-Rivas, Roy McCasland, Lucas Dixon and Alan BundyUKScheme-based Synthesis of Inductive Theories
20111Sergio Jimenez Vargas and Alexander GelbukhColombia / MexicoSC Spectra: A New Soft Cardinality Approximation for Text Comparison
2Dmitrijs RutkoLatviaFuzzified Tree Search in Teal Domain Games
3Francisco Madrigal, Jean-Bernard Hayet, and Mariano RiveraMexicoMultiple Target Tracking with Motion Priors
20121Nestor Velasco Bermeo, Miguel González Mendoza, Alexander García Castro, Irais Heras DueñasMexico / USAToward the Creation of Semantic Models Based on Computer-Aided Designs
2Hillel Romero-Monsivais, Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello, Gabriel RamírezMexicoA New Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Cyclic Bandwidth Problem
3Gonzalo Nápoles, Isel Grau, Maikel León, Ricardo GrauCubaModelling, Aggregation, and Simulation of a Dynamic Biological System Through Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
20131Sergio Rogelio Tinoco-Martínez, Felix Calderon, Carlos Lara-Alvarez, Jaime Carranza-MadrigalMexicoA Bayesian and Minimum Variance Technique for Arterial Lumen Segmentation in Ultrasound Imaging
2Angel Kuri-Morales, Edwin Aldana-BobadillaMexicoThe Best Genetic Algorithm I. A Comparative Study of Structurally Different Genetic Algorithms
Angel Kuri-Morales, Edwin Aldana Bobadilla, Ignacio López-PeñaMexicoThe Best Genetic Algorithm II. A Comparative Study of Structurally Different Genetic Algorithms
3Melanie Neunerdt, Michael Reyer, Rudolf MatharGermanyA POS Tagger for Social Media Texts Trained on Web Comments