
Mibora, or sandgrass, is a genus of European and North African plants in the grass family.


Mibora is a genus of very small to small annual grasses with erect or sometimes quickly ascending stems between 2 and 13 cm long, growing in tufts. As in all grasses the leaves consist at its base of a sheath closely enveloping the culm, a free standing blade at its tip and a ligule at the inside/upside where sheath and blade meet. The sheaths are tender, shallowly grooved rounded at their back, 0.2–1 mm long. The ligule is membranaceus and lacks fine hairs. The blade is flat, folded along the midline or enrolled and 1–6 cm long which are up to 0.5 to 0.7 mm wide and have a stump tip. The spikelets consist of one fertile floret, which has 3 anthers.

Key to the species