Michael Cohen (writer)

Michael Cohen is an Australian writer and presenter of articles on events claimed to be paranormal. Cohen, who began his career as a radio and print media paranormal expert and psychic, has been described by The Huffington Post as "the new P.T. Barnum of the modern era". He has been responsible for exposing and publicizing a large number of the most high-profile events related to UFO witness reports, alleged alien sightings and cryptids including the 'Jerusalem UFO' event, an alleged alien corpse discovered in Siberia, numerous Chinese alien and UFO incidents that made international news and similar footage and reports from the Amazon region in Brazil.
No stranger to controversy, he caused a minor uproar by claiming that Egypt's head of antiquities, Dr. Ala Shaheen, announced that the Pyramids in Giza contained alien technology, Shaheen was forced to publish a formal refutation of this claim. In 2012, Cohen released what was claimed to be video footage of a woolly mammoth that had survived to modern times and was alive in Siberia. This story immediately created a sensation across the Internet. The footage was soon discovered to be hoaxed and Cohen apologized and announced he had been fooled by the hoaxer. The story was recently named by the Huffington Post as the top paranormal story of 2012. Cohen is currently working on a book that intends to challenge conventional views on the origin of the Old Testament.