Michael Park School

Michael Park School is a Waldorf school located in Auckland, New Zealand
The founding of Michael Park School and Kindergarten arose out of a community vision for Rudolf Steiner education in Auckland which culminated in the school opening on the present site in 1979, beginning with a kindergarten and lower school classes. Today Michael Park is an integrated Area School, providing seamless education for students from Playgroup, Nursery, Kindergarten, lower school to high school. The Steiner School refers to the years 2 to 13 as Class 1 to Class 12.

Steiner's Philosophy

Unlike 'conventional' state schools, the Steiner philosophy encourages a slightly later development, and a more creative environment.
Another unique aspect of Michael Park is their keen eye for aesthetics. The belief is that more graceful architecture will be beneficial to student's learning, meaning that there are less right angles in the school buildings and more curves.

Independent Study

One of the key things making Rudolf Steiner schools unique is the year-long project of each and every 7th Form/Year 13 student. The student is encouraged to learn or develop a skill, complete an exercise and assist the community. Some recent projects have included: learning to play a musical instrument, making a short film, learning authorship or painting, restoration/building of cars, boats, etc.
The student study is assessed on many levels including the presentation of an oral speech, and development of records and compiling a visual display to represent their work and what they've learned over the course of the year.
The final result of the Independent Study contributes substantially to their Steiner certificate results for the year.


This is a state integrated school. This way, Michael Park School students can participate in both government standard assessment, NCEA as well as Steiner School Certificate. Currently Steiner School Certificate is offered at Level 1.

Sporting success

Michael Park has had an unusually high proportion of students representing New Zealand in sport, particularly lacrosse. Their school team, the MPS Storm, contained eight members of the Under-19 New Zealand Men's Lacrosse team, including the captain, Toby Delamore.