Michael Teye Nyuanu

Michael Nyuanu Teye was a member of parliament for the Lower Manya constituency in the Eastern Region of Ghana. He is also known as MTN.

Personal life

Nyuanu Teye is married with four children and he is a Christian and fellowships as a Baptist.

Early life and Education

Nyaunu Teye was born on 13th June 1955 in Manya Kpogunor in the Eastern Region of Ghana.
He attended Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration and had a post graduate certificate in Business Administration in 2001. He also had his Executive Masters in Governance and Leadership from GIMPA.


He is an Account Officer by profession and he also owns a transport business. He was also the Deputy Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament.


He was elected on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress and won a majority of 4,697 votes more than candidate closest in the race, to win the constituency election to become the MP. He was also part of the 2nd parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana. He was also part of the former Vice President campaign team. He was suspended by the NDC in the Lower Manya Krobo constituency for misconduct along with three other party members in the constituency. He also contested as an independent parliamentary candidate in the 2012 elections after forfeiting his membership of the NDC.