Michel Juneau-Katsuya

Michel Juneau-Katsuya is a former senior intelligence officer and manager at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.


He started his career as a police officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police before transferring to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. He has performed duties as a criminal investigator, and intelligence officer in both counterintelligence and counterterrorism, and also as a strategic analyst on global and emerging issues.
In 1994, he stated that the most imminent threat to the world was not nuclear proliferation, but simple machetes - a prophecy he considers to have been fulfilled by the Rwandan genocide later.
Today he is the president and CEO of The Northgate Group, and sometimes cited in media stories as a source on international espionage.


He is the co-author with of Nest of Spies: The Startling Truth About Foreign Agents At Work Within Canada's Border published in September 2009 and Ces espions venus d'ailleurs: Enquête sur les activités d'espionnage au Canada, published September 2009. These books reveal various spy activities in Canada and share some points on how to defend its company against it.