Michel de Kemmeter

Michel de Kemmeter is a Belgian entrepreneur, real estate investor and author from Ghent. He started in the field of specialized renovation. Since 2005 he researches and writes about personal development, intangible assets and human sustainable development. Today he is an expert in economic transition.

Early life and career

Michel de Kemmeter attended the Rijksuniversiteit Gent University in Belgium. Later on, he attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven for the degree in Sales Engineer. His works were published in French language, English and German.
His first published books were reference books on construction materials, such as natural stone, blue stone and wood. In this field of work, he has started a business specialized on treatment and solutions to pathology of natural stone and chemistry/physics of the stone after installation.
In 1996 he has started to invest on Real Estate in Belgium and since then has been sharing experiences as investor in private housing with Fortune de Briques at Éditions Racine.

Human development work

In 2001 he worked on the "Motivation Wheel", a psychological tool for a circular analysis of human characteristics, such as behavior, values, concerns, needs and desires for inner fulfillment. This work explained about an interpretative framework for connecting "doing" and "being" through aspirations, fears and internal strengths. The model was designed to be used for corporate aspects, such as corporate culture development, time management and values, evaluation of intangible assets, coaching and individual's mentoring. The 7D-Value approach, based on the 7 levels of value is also used to map excellence and potential of individuals.
Later, in 2005, he published the book "The Value of Time" and the "Die Werte der Zeit" edition by the publisher Swinti Verlag GmbH, and "La Valeur du Temps" in 2006 by Éditions Racine. The book was a work of philosophy and psychology applied to management and life. It gave a different perspective to the Greek nations of chronos, kairos and aion in a way to find openness of self to life. Today, he is a consultant and trainer of this subject at the Free University of Brussels and at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve.


De Kemmeter has started in 2006 a network of reflection and innovation on human development and societal development, named UHDR. This network of collaborators has been creating tools for development of human potential, self-connection and experiential conscious mentoring, in collaboration with medics, sportsmen, companies, universities, philosophers and therapists.
Some works of the network were "7D-Value", and "Culture Coherence". These tools aim to give assessments of perceived corporate identity, positioning relative to competitors, values, strengths and development areas, assessment and quantification of intangible assets, customers satisfaction, and a consistency's degree of the company.
In 2008, he has founded UniverseCité UHDR of Sustainable Human Development, which has the goal of bringing "soft skills development" based on concepts of collective intelligence and experimental learning. In his research, he works on transdisciplinarity, on systems theory, systemics, prospective, on sociology and applied psychology.
He is the inventor of the "Resources Systemics" approach, new model for systemic economy and society. It is based on 3 principles:
Every project, company or organisation should contribute to common good.
Every company, person, team, city authority or other stakeholder has assets and liabilities on 7 levels
Every project should add value on different levels in its stakeholders ecosystem.
It activates underused or hidden resources in its stakeholders ecosystem for the project. It creates "multiple value streams", and thus new solutions, new business models.
The result is more agility, faster implementation, less risk, more output with less resources. These resources can only be activated if the project answers needs of stakeholders.
He works on transition economy and transition methodologies based on metamorphosis principles. Specialized in updated transition economy principles and models, he brings these new principles to corporations and governments.
He initiated the "Club of Brussels" inside the Economic Transition Center in Brussels, school of new economic thinking. A group of 250 experts worldwide. It is an international network of ready-for-change human beings. The idea is not only to think about the new economic models based on systemic use of resources, but also to implement actions for the promotion of economic transition.

Films and videos