The microSPARC is a microprocessor implementing the SPARC V8 instruction set architecture developed by Sun Microsystems. It was a low-end microprocessor intended for low-end workstations and embedded systems. The microprocessor was developed by Sun, but the floating-point unit was licensed from Meiko Scientific. It contained 800,000 transistors.
There were two derivatives of the microSPARC: the microSPARC-II and microSPARC-IIep. The microSPARC-IIep was a 100 MHz microSPARC-II with an integrated PCI controller for embedded systems. It was developed and fabricated by LSI Logic for Sun. The microprocessor was used by Sun in their JavaStation Network Computer.
Name | Model | Frequency | Arch. version | Year | Total threads | Process | Transistors | Die size | IO Pins | Power | Voltage | L1 Dcache | L1 Icache | L2 Cache | L3 Cache |
microSPARC I | TI TMS390S10 | 40-50 | V8 | 1992 | 1×1=1 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 225? | 288 | 2.5 | 5 | 2 | 4 | none | none |
microSPARC II | Fujitsu MB86904 / Sun STP1012 | 60-125 | V8 | 1994 | 1×1=1 | 0.5 | 2.3 | 233 | 321 | 5 | 3.3 | 8 | 16 | none | none |