The microSPARC is a microprocessor implementing the SPARC V8 instruction set architecture developed by Sun Microsystems. It was a low-end microprocessor intended for low-end workstations and embedded systems. The microprocessor was developed by Sun, but the floating-point unit was licensed from Meiko Scientific. It contained 800,000 transistors.
There were two derivatives of the microSPARC: the microSPARC-II and microSPARC-IIep. The microSPARC-IIep was a 100 MHz microSPARC-II with an integrated PCI controller for embedded systems. It was developed and fabricated by LSI Logic for Sun. The microprocessor was used by Sun in their JavaStation Network Computer.
Name ModelFrequency Arch. versionYearTotal threadsProcess Transistors Die size IO PinsPower Voltage L1 Dcache L1 Icache L2 Cache L3 Cache
microSPARC I TI TMS390S1040-50V819921×1=10.80.8225?2882.5524nonenone
microSPARC II Fujitsu MB86904 / Sun STP101260-125V819941×1=10.52.323332153.3816nonenone