Midnight Occult Civil Servants

Midnight Occult Civil Servants is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yōko Tamotsu. The manga has inspired a novelization by Masumi Suzuki, and an anime television series adaptation by Liden Films aired from April 7 to June 23, 2019. The anime series is licensed in North America under a Crunchyroll-Funimation partnership.


;Arata Miyako
;Kyōichi Sakaki
;Seo Himetsuka
;Reiji Senda
;Satoru Kanoichi



Yōko Tamotsu launched the manga in Kadokawa Shoten's shōjo manga magazine Monthly Asuka on May 23, 2015. The manga is also serialized online on Kadokawa's Comic Newtype magazine.


A novelization by Masumi Suzuki was published by Kadokawa under their Kadokawa Horror Bunko label on July 24, 2018.


An anime television series adaptation was announced on June 21, 2018. The series is directed by Tetsuya Watanabe and written by Tatsuto Higuchi, with animation by studio Liden Films. Eriko Itō is designing the characters. The series aired from April 7 to June 23, 2019 on Tokyo MX, SUN, BS11, KBS, and TVA. Jun Fukuyama performed the series' opening theme song "dis-communicate", while Shunichi Toki performed the series' ending theme song "Yakusoku no Overture". A two-episode OVA titled "Hitori Bocchi no Kyūketsuki" was bundled with the series' Blu-ray release on September 25, 2019. An original animation DVD was released on November 22, 2019, bundled with the 12th manga volume.