Midori (operating system)

Midori was the code name for a managed code operating system being developed by Microsoft with joint effort of Microsoft Research. It had been reported to be a possible commercial implementation of the Singularity operating system, a research project started in 2003 to build a highly dependable operating system in which the kernel, device drivers, and applications are all written in managed code. It was designed for concurrency, and could run a program spread across multiple nodes at once. It also featured a security model that sandboxes applications for increased security. Microsoft had mapped out several possible migration paths from Windows to Midori. The operating system was discontinued some time in 2015, though many of its concepts were rolled into other Microsoft projects.


The code name Midori was first discovered through the PowerPoint presentation CHESS: A systematic testing tool for concurrent software.
A new reference to Midori was found in a presentation shown during the OOPSLA 2012 conference in October 2012.