Miffy and Friends

Miffy and Friends is a 2003-2007 Dutch stop-motion animated television series, based on the Miffy book series by Dutch artist Dick Bruna. It originally aired on KRO in the Netherlands,, CITV in the United Kingdom and Noggin in the United States.


The series focuses on the life of young rabbit Miffy. It is presented in a storybook style, with narration by Canadian actress/singer Cyd Vandenberg explaining the actions of non-speaking Miffy and her friends.


The series lasted for three seasons, consisting of 39 episodes. Each episode is made up of two segments, with mathematics-based interstitials between them.

Season 1 (2003-2004)

  1. Miffy's Musical Day/Miffy's Rainy Day
  2. Miffy Meets Snuffy/Miffy's Gift from Boris
  3. Poppy Pig Lends a Hand/Miffy's and Aggie's Teddy Bears
  4. Miffy at a Costume Party/Miffy Goes Camping
  5. Snuffy's Birthday/Miffy Has the Flu
  6. Miffy Finds the Cup/Snuffy Learns Patience
  7. Miffy's Birthday Party/Miffy's Dancing Lessons
  8. Miffy is Lost in the Woods/Miffy and Poppy Pig Have Breakfast
  9. Miffy and the Little Bird/Miffy Plays Hide and Seek
  10. Miffy and the Wall Paintings/Miffy and the Blue Egg
  11. Miffy and the Snow Bunny/Miffy Flies a Kite
  12. Miffy and Melanie Learn to Read/Miffy Paints Her Room
  13. Boris's Bird House/Miffy's Three Wishes

    Season 2 (2004-2006)

  14. Miffy's Summer Vacation/Miffy Gets a Postcard
  15. Miffy and Barbara in the Rain/Miffy Lost at the Beach
  16. Miffy and the Caterpillar/Miffy and the Great Carrot Feast
  17. Miffy's Colorful World/Miffy's Scooter
  18. Miffy's Snowfall/Miffy and Grunty Sleep in a Tent
  19. Miffy's Restaurant/Miffy Discovers Nature
  20. Miffy and the Birthday Cake/Miffy Counts Leaves
  21. Miffy in the Wind/Miffy's Late for School
  22. Miffy Worries about Snuffy/Miffy Helps Grunty
  23. Miffy Plants a Seed/Snuffy's Doghouse
  24. Miffy Finds Snuffy/Miffy and the Seasons
  25. Miffy Makes and Bakes/Miffy's Surprise
  26. Miffy in the Shade/Miffy's Flower Pot

    Season 3 (2006-2007)

  27. Miffy's Beach Picnic/Boris Tidies Up!
  28. Miffy Wants to Fly/Miffy's Teddy Bear is Sick
  29. Miffy's Ball Game/Miffy Has an Unexpected Day
  30. Miffy's Apple Pie/Miffy's Musical Soup
  31. Miffy and Snuffy at the Playground/Miffy and the Hungry Bird
  32. Miffy's Lost Teddy Bear/Miffy and the Great Summer Picnic
  33. Miffy and the Three Christmas Trees/Miffy's Mystery
  34. Miffy and the Shadows/Snuffy's Winter Fun
  35. Miffy Plays Doctor/Miffy Goes Skiing
  36. Miffy's Family Car Trip/Miffy and the Falling Leaves
  37. Miffy and Snuffy Hear a Strange Sound/Miffy's Mother's Day Present
  38. Boris Forgets Something/Miffy's Dance Show
  39. Miffy Counts the Trees/Boris's Race


VHS and DVD releases

During the show's run, several VHS tapes including episodes of the series were produced. The series was also made available on DVD in America through Sony Wonder and Big Tent Entertainment. Select Miffy and Friends episodes were included on themed DVD discs released in 2009.


The series made its world premiere on ITV in the United Kingdom. It aired on Noggin
in the United States. It also aired on Treehouse TV in Canada, and ABC Kids in Australia. It is also available for streaming on the Noggin app as of 2016.