Miguel Peraza

Miguel Peraza is a Mexican self-taught sculptor, born in Mexico City September 29, 1959. His production consists of about 300 works of small format and 34 monumental works, with many monuments along Mexico and Colombia, mainly in universities.
Throughout his career he has demonstrated mastery of materials, regardless of the size of his sculptures, and covering many topics.

Life and work

Peraza's first sculpture was made back in 1975. Since then, he has carved in different sizes and materials, such as bronze, marble, wood, stainless steel, and others.
He has participated in 28 individual and 2 group exhibitions, displaying his sculptural proposal in several countries such as Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, United States, France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Mexico.
Throughout his life he has gathered his artistic expression, teachings and publishing.
He has lectured more than 5 conferences in the United States, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, and Mexico.
He is a specialist in the following subjects: The Art of Art Marketing, Problems of Space, Theory of Color, as well as the Treatment and History of Sculpture.
His career has developed intimately with universities.
One of his main concerns is to show the importance of art in higher education by proposing to include it as part of the occupational skills and technique


He is co-author of "The Art of Art Marketing" which has already introduced and a second edition co-edited by Miguel Angel Porrua and Universidad Iberoamericana, an institution in which he taught the subject Art Marketing, Masters of Arts in Museum Studies Degree Program.
In late 1998 the completion of the editorial publishing commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus.
The edition of the book "Cosmic Destiny, Life and Work of Andres Peraza."
The publication "Of what Memory is Made" edited by Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Edo. Mexico.
Currently, the books of the 30th anniversary of the Campus Irapuato of Tecnologico de Monterrey, and "The Universe of Private Universities in Mexico, XXV anniversary of the FIMPES.

Public Sculptures

Most important public works
2010 The Miracle of the wind Transatlantic Holland America Line, Europe
2009 Inside the Mirror ITESM Campus Querétaro
2007 Cimarrón guía ITESM, Campus Tampico; Canto maitines Universidad Simón Bolivar, México, Símbolo de identidad ITESM Campus Guadalajara; Música matemática ITESM Campus Toluca
2006 La espiritualidad del conocimiento Universidad Simón Bolivar, México; El aprendizaje de la ciencia, Merck Sharp & Dhome, Tizapán, Ciudad de México.
2005 Paul Harris, Polanco, México; Águila de la victoria Unidad Académica Victoria de la UTNG, Victoria Gto; León cósmico UTL, León Gto.
2004 La sierra de las lomas, Avenida de las Palmas y Montañas Calizas, Ciudad de México, México, El águila de la renovación, UTNG Dolores Hidalgo, Gto., México.
2003 El oscuro encanto del cine, Centro Cultural el Semáforo, San José de Costa Rica.
2002 La balanza; móvil,, UNAB, Bucaramanga, Colombia; Plaza de la ruta cósmica, Reloj solar UNAB, Bucaramanga, Colombia; Caballo,, Plaza del Esfuerzo, ITESM, Campus Ciudad de México ; Nezahualcoyotl arquitecto universal, San Salvador Atenco, Estado de México.
2001 Estructura animal ITESM, Campus Querétaro, Alfil, Plaza del Académico, ITESM, Campus Ciudad de México..
1998 Borrego cósmico ITESM, Campus Querétaro, Dama ITESM Campus Ciudad de México; América unida Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia; Símbolo siglo XXI Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, México.
1996 Borrego salvaje ITESM, Campus Irapuato y Torre de la excelencia Claustro de aulas I, ITESM, Campus Ciudad de México.
1994 Reloj solar UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Campus Iztacala.
1993 Ajedrez cervantino ITESM, Campus Ciudad de México, Rey ITESM, Campus Ciudad de México.
1991 Reloj solar Plaza del Sol, ITESM, Campus Estado de México.
1989 Manos Chimneys Corner Camp, Massachusetts, USA.; Encuentro de borregos Plaza de la Competitividad, ITESM, Campus Estado de México; Espíritu probursa BBVA Bancomer, Paseo de la Reforma, Ciudad de México, Gigantes dormidos Colección del Museo de Arte de Querétaro.
1980 Incógnita del mundo ITAM, Ciudad de México.