Mikami Shrine

Mikami Shrine is a Shintoist shrine in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. A Kanpei-taisha, it is located at the foot of Mount Mikami, a prominent hill in this flat area near Lake Biwa.

Legend and History

The shrine's legends tell that it was established when Ame-no-mikage-no-mikoto, Amaterasu's grandson, came down on Mout Mikami, as its Shintai, during the reign of Emperor Kōrei of the third century B.C., and that a building of worship was built by Fujiwara no Fuhito in the current place ca. 700 A.D. The shrine appears in the "Shrines Volume" of the "Engishiki of the tenth century A.D.

National Treasure

The shrine's main building, built in the Kamakura Period, is a National Treasure. There are other Important Cultural Properties in the shrine compound.


The "Zuiki Festival of Mikami", celebrated every October as a harvesting festival, is an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. The rice for Emperor Showa's first Niiname Festival in 1925 was grown in a paddy field nearby, which is celebrated every year in June by a rice planting ceremony.