Michael John Hudak is an environmental researcher and author, Sierra Club activist, radio broadcaster, and public speaker concerned with the environmental damage that ranching inflicts on US public land. He is an author of and its companion series of web-based videos. In 1999, he founded the nonprofit Public Lands Without Livestock.Hudak's grassroots educational outreach on "public lands grazing” addressed thousands of Sierrans and others. His photos and written explanations clearly picture the ecological problems of continuing livestock production on public lands.
From 1993–1994, he served as the Binghamton regional coordinator for the short-lived Beyond Beef Campaign, which mobilized grassroots support in favor of McDonald’s offering a meatless eco-burger at all its North American outlets. In 1997, after several years of hiking on western public lands during which he noted livestock impacts, he began a more intensive study of livestock production by researching publications and traveling across the West for more than twenty months. Between February 1998 and May 2000, he presented forty-five photographic talks to Sierra Club groups, chapters, and committees in 20 US states to encourage a Sierra Club policy shift to oppose public lands ranching. He wrote several articles for Internet display and for publication in Sierra Club newsletters. Fifteen Sierra Club chapters and twenty-two groups by summer 2000 had signed resolutions calling for the Sierra Club to oppose commercial livestock grazing on federal public lands. As resource person to the Sierra Club's Grazing Task Force from June 1999 to May 2000, he learned in December 1999 that the club's National Board planned to consider revising that policy at its May 2000 meeting. When the board in early May postpone that discussion until its September meeting, he began qualifying a member ballot initiative as an alternative to board action. He called for the qualification of a ballot initiative in support of ending commercial livestock grazing on federal public lands, personally gathering nearly half the signatures supporting the initiative, with the rest gathered by dozens of other Club activists. While gathering signatures on the ballot petition, advocating adoption of conservation policy to end commercial livestock grazing on federal public lands. These negotiations at the September 2000 board meeting led to the grazing policy adopted by the Club’s Board of Directors at that time. He gave the agreement tentative support despite policy weaknesses and called for withdrawing the ballot initiative for the following year. Some club members who had worked with him on the petition drive disagreed with his views and completed qualifying the initiative, which was subsequently defeated in the 2001 election by more than a 2-to-1 margin.
Chrononology of Sierra Club involvement
1997 - Began intensive study of livestock's impact on western public lands
February 1998 to May 2000–presented 45 photographic talks to Sierra Club groups
1999 to present - Founder and director of , a project of
June 1999 to May 2000 - resource person to Sierra Club’s Grazing Task Force
December 1999 - learned that Sierra Club’s National Board had planned to consider revising its grazing policy at May 2000 meeting
September 2000 - negotiations at Sierra Club board meeting led to Club’s Board of Directors adopting new grazing policy
2001 - Despite qualification, initiative defeated in 2001 election by >2-to-1 margin
Since 2001 - researching, writing, and public speaking about unsustainable US ranching practices on America’s public lands